Comic Bastards

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Review: Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 #1

Fans of the Battlestar Galactica franchise will rejoice with the release of this steampunk rendition.  So if you, like me, love all the new steampunk adaptations coming out lately then I would highly suggest picking up a copy of Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880. Start to finish was never faltering momentum which made it one of the most entertaining first issues I’ve read in a long time. Within the first few pages Dr. Gaius Baltar goes mad with power, Caprica is destroyed and Apollo is taken captive but you probably already knew most of that was coming if you kept up with the shows.  If you haven’t been too keen on Battlestar Galactica, that’s okay! You can start here even though there isn’t a whole lot of an introduction to the characters; it’s easy to catch on. And hey this might just lead you down a road of Netflix binge watching.

BSG1880-01-Cov-SyafWe get to reunite with our favorite characters like Apollo and Starbuck! However, if you were a fan of the 2004 TV version you might be surprised to see Starbuck as a male. Not to worry though his personality has remained intact. By the end of the first issue he has already gotten himself into a rather unsavory predicament with some pirate ladies.

This issue really sets up for an impending epic adventure but I think it will have a different objective than the TV show did. Either way I’m already hooked. I can’t say enough how much I enjoyed this issue. Everything from the storytelling to the illustrations was on point.

Let me just touch on the art work here for a minute. The colors were a bit different from other steampunk comics I’ve seen. Usually, there are more bronze like colors but here there are a lot of intense reds and blues. However, I still think it was done very well and I like the whole intergalactic vibe meets nineteenth century.  And holy shit, the details in this issue are amazing. There are few scenes where you get to see how intricate the wardrobes are which really contributes to the time period and steampunk feel.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Tony Lee Artist: Aneke Colorist: Alex Starling Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 8/20/14