Comic Bastards

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Review: Tales To Admonish #2

Tales To Admonish is a breath of fresh air in the comic book industry. We don’t really get to see a lot of graphic fiction like this in the current market.There is a kind of dark humor in here that we don’t get from anything else on the shelves.The fact that you can just jump in whenever is a really nice selling point for me as well. I generally like to catch up to a series from the beginning, but let’s face it, comic books are expensive, and they aren’t getting any cheaper. Thanks to Comixology for their .99 cent sales though, which have been awesome recently, that has become more possible. But let me get back on track.

Andrez Bergen and Matt Kyme tackle this particular issue really well. Touching on subject matter from the ever-popular vampire myth and classic noir to science fiction. Just imagine a Dark Horse Presents based on characters that you’ve never seen the likes of before. This book is original, but is very clearly influenced by pre-existing styles that work. The stories aren’t uncomfortably or painfully long either. Just long enough for all of you who do all of your reading in a hurry. So if you’re one of those folks who read on the toilet, you’re in luck.

tales-to-admonish_issue-2_jan-2014For the risk of sounding impatient or uneducated, I really like that this book contains stories that you don’t have to think about too much. Sometimes I find myself needing a nap after a lot of the current books that I read. These funny books started out being for kids for crying out loud. Something has gone wrong somewhere along the line.

I think that what surprised me the most about the book is that I was so attracted to the art. The cover art, the interior art, everything. It’s easy on the eyes. It is simple and descriptive while staying close or matching perfectly the tone of the script. The art somehow finds a way to adapt based on the script’s content.

Dark humor like this is usually derivative, but I’m glad to see that Andrez Bergen has found a way to make it his own. It doesn’t make me want to smack someone in the face like it usually does. Plus I didn’t feel that impulsive need to roll my eyes after every corny joke. It’s a fun script that deserves a read. Whether you’re a huge comic book fan or not, you’ll get exactly what you’re paying for with this.

Give these guys your business. You can find out all you need to know here at If you don’t like what you see, I’m not that hard to get in touch with. Drop me a line.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Andrez Bergen Artist: Matt Kyme Publisher: If? Commix Price: $5.00 - Print, $1.00 - Digital Website