Comic Bastards

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Review: Teen Dog #7 (BOOM! Box)

Dude, did you know that there is only one more issue left of the radest comic ever?! Well yeah there is. I don’t know how I have lived so long without Teen Dog in my life. Actually, I don’t know how any of you have. It is a mystery not solved. Yet when the world is so sweet to us, they must take it away so soon. We literally only have #7 and #8 and then Jake Lawrence and his hilarious recount of high school years centered around the world’s coolest person, who isn’t actually a person but a dog instead with no explanation given, will be gone from existence… Well you could just reread the issues or purchase the complete series when it comes out in a volume, which I assume it will. But still dude, nothing will compare to opening that brand new Teen Dog issue each month and wondering what trouble he would get in this time. Ok so now that I have just confessed my love, let’s get down to real business; the story. Once again I couldn’t help but noticed the little things about this comic that just make it so much fun to read. On the first page we see a sign in the background saying “Not Pizza Day. Sorry” hanging in the cafeteria. And ya know what, they should be sorry. Who gave cafeteria ladies the right to have only one pizza day. It’s preposterous and would probably solve a lot of school issue if we just had pizza day every day! I digress. Although I think Teen Dog would appreciate my digression. Anyway, these little moments make the comic so personal, oh and totally check out Thug Pug’s jacket this issue, it was the best part for me. Plus who doesn’t love the drama surrounding Thug Pug’s life. He allows in some kind of angst. And you can expect to see it a lot at the dance with Teen Dog stealing the show.

Teen-Dog-#7Besides for the insanely cute art each issue, the story centers around Prom. Dreadful. Teen Dog, like most days, decides to have a good attitude about Prom. Good for him. So it is no surprise that when Mari asks him to go with her to crash the party, Teen Dog has already been asked. This leads to that awkward “do I like him? do I like her? can’t we just be friends? Maybe we're just friends wanting to chill together?” stage. It’s complicated but we have all been there. Since I love Mari, who doesn’t, I felt bad for her from the get go. I really thought her and Sarah were like a thing though, but I guess I was totally off on that one. So now Mari, trying to stay true to punk rock, has to figure out a way to enjoy the Prom, still crash the party, and make sure Teen Dog knows she is there for him. Will it be a success? Read the issue to find out.

So once again, Teen Dog has stolen my heart and he probably will do the same to you with issue #7. I don’t exactly know how this mini-series will end, but as long as Teen Dog stays true to himself and Mari is still punk rock, I think this comic would end any way it wanted to. (OK maybe there would have to be pizza involved. But that is my only request. Is there anyway to get a free piece of pizza with purchase of the last issue? Lawrence let us know what you can do about that. Thanks)

Score: 4/5

Teen Dog #7 Writer/Artist/Creator: Jake Lawrence Publisher: BOOM!/Boom Box Price: $3.99 Release Date: 3/11/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital