Comic Bastards

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Review: The Fist #2

It took a lot of willpower on my end not to just review the second issue of The Fist right after the first. But I didn’t want to phone it in. Writing two reviews for a series back to back is not as fun as it sounds, if for some reason that sounds fun. You lose a lot of your love for the material on the second one and I didn’t want that to happen with this issue, because it’s pretty fucking incredible. [su_quote]The Fist, aka the Right Hand, is forced to fight is pseudo sisters the Legs in a battle that’s sure to reveal more than a little of The Fist’s origin. Also, awesome fucking fights and another 90s comic book references that you’ll appreciate if you read and enjoyed 90s comics.[/su_quote]

For somewhat obvious reasons there’s not a lot of dialogue or narration to this issue and that’s completely fine. It’s better for it because writer/artist Jordan Kroeger relies on his art skills as a visual storyteller to push the narrative. It takes a skilled writer to know when to cut back and frankly the comic industry is in need of more writers like Kroeger.

The-Fist-#2The art is fantastic again. It’s rough and dirty in places, but it’s really for the best. It gives the book a style and a personality. It shows that in this version of space, everything isn’t clean and pretty. It’s just like the dumps of earth, filthy and yet habitable. There are two scenes in particular that I want to talk about for the art. The first is the appearance of The Legs because the way it’s illustrated is just creepy and yet amazing. They look like legs on their own, but then attached to the women that own them. It’s kind of surreal so you have to see it, but my goodness is the art really good there. The other is the lettering for the onomatopoeia of “BOOM!!!” which is shaped like one of the legs. It’s so simple and yet it drives home the power of the kick.

I can’t get enough of this story. I loved this issue for different reasons than the first issue, but I love them both. I can’t wait for more because I’m really invested in this story that at times is rather funny, but then has this mystique of seriousness.

If you read comics and love them, then there’s absolutely no reason you should not be reading The Fist.

[su_box title="Score: 5/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

The Fist #2
Creator: Jordan Kroeger
Price: Pay What You Want
Format: Digital


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