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Review: The Goon #47

Last issue Goon and Frankie fought off the Rogue’s Gallery assembled to undo the hero.  However, The Arab and his Coven don’t give up so easily.  We open this chapter of “Occasion for Revenge” by learning of a monster named Longfingers that will creep you into walking around the house at night with every light on so you don’t get a chance to spot this monster in the shadows. Goon enjoys some respite with the dame that took his interest in last issue, while Fred Paulsey’s damned soul continues to haunt Sandy Wayne.  The two banter about why Fred is cursed and how Sandy is the cause.  Some great words fly between the two, and Fred’s sarcasm runs a scathing tone akin to a great confrontation by two scorned lovers in a Kevin Smith film.  Fred possesses Sandy and heads out for some drinks.

21203As Goon plots to raise an army, the Zombie Priest spends his time as Goon’s advisor by catching up with one of his resurrected victims.  The man explains his tale of woe and love loss.  When he finishes, Zombie Priest leaves and passes the possessed Sandy.

The last panel evokes the nightmare waiting for Goon and Frankie.  The Arab may just have this battle won.

The illustrations of ghastly ghouls and frightening monsters beat any presented by a horror comic to date.  Additionally, the way Powell can shift the tone from macabre and eerie to jocund and witty provides some of the most engaging stories in comics.  I have never seen a talent in the industry that provides outstanding stories and pencils some of the most beautiful visuals.  One man should not be so blessed with such talent, but, thankfully, Powell shares with all of this through his creation, The Goon.

There is no match for this comic in look or content.

Score: 5/5

Writer/Artist/Creator: Eric Powell Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 8/27/14 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital