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Review: The Immortal Men #2

By Garrett Hanneken

The second issue of Immortal Men further introduces us to the team at hand. As we get to know a little more about each team member, we are able to ask ourselves if we want to take this journey with these heroes.

Issue two begins with more exposition on the four superheroes that make up The Immortal Men. With that said, we start to learn the powers of each character while they exhibit them through their actions. As for Caden Park, the main interest in this comic, he is on the run as the villains attempt to capture him. It is still a mystery as to why Caden is so important but like this issue states, “this is only the beginning.”

The time that is given to each of The Immortal Men is important due to last issues lack of regard. Learning about the powers of new characters can be a fun and intriguing read. Invigorating ideas can enable new superheroes to be unique and refreshing to the countless powers we are already familiar with. However, I found myself solely interested in the character Reload. Not to say that the others are uninteresting, but Reload’s ability to subtract time stands out from the rest.

As for Caden’s story, we see him running away the whole time and that’s about all he can do. Therefore there isn’t much more added to who he is as a person other than the fact that he is confused and scared. In addition, a key event takes place offscreen which hinders the reader’s sympathy for Caden.

I want to care more about Caden, but after reading this issue I just want to read more about The Immortal Men. As of now, Caden is not as interesting which makes him feel more like a McGuffin than anything, and I am not entirely sure if that is the point that writer James Tynion is trying to convey.

With Jim Lee off the title after half of an issue… Ryan Benjamin is able to step up and deliver. The action sequences are displayed with dynamic movements while the colors by David Baron enhance those moments. The use of red and orange are seen throughout when there is danger. Therefore, captivating the reader to notice any perilous situation.

The Immortal Men #2 enriches the team members but sacrifices the attention given to the main protagonist. There is still more to be done to flesh out this team and the stakes at risk, and I still have hope that this comic will do just that in the future.

Score: 3/5

The Immortal Men #2
DC Comics