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Review: The Killer Inside Me #2

By Laramie Martinez

The Killer Inside Me #2 is a decent step up from the previous issue. While the issue succeeds in tackling the story’s harsh subject matter with style and menace, it remains a little inconsistent. The writing also slows down considerably in this issue, so the pace of the previous issue is not a problem here. Check out below for the details.

The artist, Vic Malhotra, does some great work on this issue. In many of the most dramatic scenes, his art style demands your attention, presenting the violent acts with style. He tends to focus more on the actions of violence more than the violence itself. For example in one of the scenes we see the main character viciously attack another character. Malhotra doesn’t focus on the results of the punches instead choosing to place to point of view behind him so that in the middle of the shot stands the man. He also excels in close ups where you can really see the emotion on the faces of the characters. Where things get rocky is in the midrange and distance panels. It is as if he’s caught between trying to put too much detail in with a too big of a pen. The details he tries to enhance look a bit too clunky; enough so that it can take you out of the story.

Speaking of story, this issue is reasonably well paced. We know who the characters are and what their intentions are since we read the last issue. This issue deals specifically with the consequences of actions taken by the lead character. The moves have been made, and now the game is set to take on a life of its own. There are a few hints here and there as to how it might turn out, but for the most part, it’s just a steady plodding down the line.

I probably won’t be continuing with this series, not because it doesn’t show promise, but I think I’ve seen what the best and the worst it will likely be. Also, I find that my bias from reading the book is just way too overwhelming to be a fair judge. I wish them the best of luck; this issue could be the stepping stone they need to bring this series up.

Score: 3/5

The Killer Inside Me #2
Writer: Devin Faraci
Artist: Vic Malhotra
Publisher: IDW Publishing