Review: The Last Fall #1

The Last Fall is a new mini-series coming from Tom Waltz and the IDW team. It follows Marcus Fall on the planet Krovin fighting a so-called “Holy War.” The comic sets up the background right off the bat for the reader. I like this idea, because too many times we get introductions to new planets, people, and creatures and after 3, 4, 5 or even a whole story arc you finally understand this new world. Krovin isn’t an ideal planet but with Merkonia, the planet Fall is from, coming to an end, the people need a safe haven. Last time Merkonia tried to take over Krovin it was no problem, but Krovin has grown into its own powerhouse. Now the people fight for their land and put a religion behind it in order to give the young soldiers a cause. The whole premise could have some interesting things to say about warfare. Although I don’t know if we will focus so much on the bigger picture, as it will on the individual. When we first see Fall, he is being told to fall back but instead decides to take down some Krovinites come hell or high water. He is that typical asshole who doesn’t listen to orders but seems to always get his way because he doesn’t fear death. Fall understands the real purpose of this war and the bullshit behind it. His commanding officer, Sintar and probably other commanding officers before him, waste much of their time trying to show the foolishness of Marcus Fall to the other soldiers. We also met Roland, and he seems like the tool bag of the series. Fall doesn’t put up with him either and all the religious things behind him. Roland will definitely be a character to watch.

LastFall_cvrA copy 2For the first issue, the story and especially Fall’s character was a little too typical for most readers. For me, I have read a lot of stories about the fearless rebel. It would be nice to see a story about the scared shitless dude. Ha. Either way, I think I have no doubts that Waltz with explore a lot more than what is on the surface with Fall. We already get some background on Fall and why he fights the way he does. His family is gone, so he really is seeking revenge or at least some type of closure for his tragedy. Even though this seems like a typical soldier story too, I think it shows the different angles that the comic is going to take. We will see more than a war story. We will see pain in all forms and from all time periods.

I actually find the backstory of the planets very interesting. I want to see more of each planet since Krovin is this desert smoking land and Merkonia is this lush and rich land. I think by exploring both lands and its people, we could again see some strong points on war and how it affects everything. Waltz has a good start, but with so much press for this comic the first issue’s story is known, so I am thinking that issue #2 will have to be where the comic makes or breaks it. With mini-series you only get a small window to do this, so watching how the story progresses in #2 will tell most readers if the comic is worth reading.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Tom Waltz Artist: Casey Maloney Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/16/14 Format: Mini-Series, Print/Digital