Comic Bastards

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Review: Tomboy #8

By Dustin Cabeal

I hate to say this, but this isn’t as strong of an issue as the previous one. There’s still a lot of good elements to this issue. Elements that overall I really enjoyed, but my gut tells me that a lot is missing from this issue. That it feels off compared to the other issues and I don’t know if that’s intentional or that the series needed to breathe after soaring so high for so long. I’ll tell you right now, as I’m typing this, I’m not sure what score I’ll settle on by the time I’m done. The issue picks up a short time later from the previous issue. Our newly introduced detective is still a bad ass, and her interrogation of Trent is pretty damn good. The way she tip-toes around the accusation she wants to make is impressive and believable.

Then after the bomb that was dropped on us last time we barely see Addison, and there’s no new reveals. She makes another sic kill, and this one is going to cost her. You can see that the last few issues have been setting up her downfall, but this issue, in particular, pushes her over the edge.

There are other elements of the story that are quite good, but overall there wasn’t enough of that creepy supernatural vibe to the issue. We were too grounded and the only times we weren’t, they were familiar and not necessarily new. Even the spirits haunting our family weren’t out of place and unusual anymore. Overall, it just didn’t have the same vibe in the story and art as the previous issues. It’s not rushed, but it’s not paced the same.

Michelle Wong’s art also felt a little off this time in general. Grandpa didn’t look nearly old enough, Jessica’s father didn’t look distraught enough. There were plenty of emotions present, but just not enough emphasis on them. And again, the supernatural element seemed toned down. There was one flash of greatness when Addison spots Trent, and they’re both covered in flowers, Addison in red and Trent in white. It was a great contrast and something that’s been shown throughout the book, even if I’m not quite sure what the color symbolism is.

This is a tough issue to review and score because while it’s a step down from the series norm, it’s still a lot better than so many other series out there. Especially issues that are at or past the eighth issue mark. If this was one of those series, I would likely score it lower, but since it’s been consistent and is still a solid issue in the series, it gets what it gets.

Score: 4/5

Tomboy #8
Writer: Mia Goodwin
Artist: Michelle Wong
Publisher: Action Lab/Danger Zone