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Review: Unity #16 (Valiant)

This arc is starting to reveal itself more with this issue and I’m cool with that. I absolutely loved Unity #15 and the way it focused on Ninjak. Unity #16 continues that course with nearly the same opening, but the difference being that we follow the Eternal Warrior as the trio part this time around. The structure is different though so don’t expect to see a rehash of Ninjak’s story. Gilad heads back to his awesome boat house and sails to Japan. Also there’s some butt action for anyone needing a little extra Gilad to get you through the day. I could see Mel Gibson playing him in a movie.

The issue then bounces between the present and the past as it shows one point in Gilad’s life in which he protected a small village in Japan. Let me just stop you and say no this isn’t some Wolverine crap in which he loves Japan more than anything else and takes on a wife and all that. That’s not the story. Instead we see what it means to live forever. The responsibility and the opportunities that come with it.

UNITY_016_COVERA_FABRYThe story humanizes Gilad more than ever before. I’ve read all of his Valiant exploits thus far and this was by far one of the best stories about the character. I don’t know why Kindt just clicks with the members of Unity, but I’m glad he does. I’m looking forward to Livewire’s time in the spotlight next time and really I’m wondering if they need another character on this series. I would love to see X-O come back, but otherwise… it’s really good with just three characters.

Maybe that’s the trick to a successful team book, core players and occasional supporting characters? Because that’s what Kindt is doing and this is better than any other team book on the market. I can’t tell you how bored I get with Avengers or Justice League, but with Unity… I want more. It doesn’t even feel like I’ve read sixteen issues. Much like the rest of the Valiant line of books this series still feels as fresh as the first issue and that’s something no other publisher seems to be able to do.

When you have Pere Perez on the art you know it’s going to be good. His renderings of Japan both past and present are wonderful. The action is fluid and yet the perfect balance for all the day to day things that Gilad is doing in-between the stories. Gilad’s house boat is fucking awesome! I want it. I hope we see more of it, it’s just that cool looking what little of it we get to see. Strangely enough it added a lot to his character for me.

This is proving to be a great story arc and it’s not building towards anything. There’s no world threating danger. It’s just an opportunity to build the characters and while some might yell “filler, filler” they’re missing out on what’s proving to be the best arc of Unity so far. There’s plenty more to say about this issue, but you’re better off reading it for yourself and leaving a comment below.

Score: 5/5

Unity #16 Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Pere Perez Colorist: Pere Perez Publisher: Valiant Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 3/11/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital