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Review: Warlord of Oz #1

I’m always seeing Grimm Fairy Tales fill the shelves at comic bookstores but I never bought one. So I thought this was a good chance for me to be exposed to it. After reading Warlord of Oz, I can see why there is such a huge following for the Grimm Fairy Tales. Let me just start by saying that looking at the cover, my expectations were kind of low. I just thought that it was going to be full of over sexualized women without a decent plot.  I mean, yea the women are definitely over sexualized but the actual content of the comic was captivating and made for a great story line.

Warlord_Oz_01_coverE copy 2This issue starts with Dorothy having a nightmare about Oz being in danger.  She sees herself being possessed or something, with glowing red eyes. I’m getting the feeling that these dreams are premonitions. Dun Duh Dun! Some serious shit is about hit Oz. Dorothy seems to be trying to suppress her previous adventures in Oz but they keep haunting her subconscious.

We have all the same characters as the original, Wizard of Oz but a little vamped up; including Glinda, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion. For me the biggest make over was the Cowardly Lion. Who is known as Thorne and he looks like a BAMF.  I can’t wait to see more of his role in this arc.

The issue concludes with a tornado hitting Kansas once more to transport Dorothy back to Oz. I am undeniably hooked on this series.  Even though I missed the previous arc, I don’t feel lost in the information but I think I’m gonna go ahead and read everything that is Grimm Fairy Tales. I think this will be added to my new favorites. I love the whimsical aspect of the ar, it is so beautiful. I think it perfectly complements the story. I am impressed, Jeff Massey, Miguel Mendonca, and Grostieta.

Score: 5/5

Writers: Jeff Massey Artists: Miguel Mendonca and Grostieta Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 5/21/14 Format: Mini-Series, Print/Digital