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Review: Wolf Country #5

Wolf Country is a series that I read and sometimes review and often times forget to review. The reason being is that like a lot of comics, when they’re consistent and a story arc is still unfolding, there’s not always a lot to say in a review. The true sign of a good comic or at least a comic that’s good to you is that you keep reading it. And yes I know that in the world of comics there are people that read comics for other reasons, but I’m saying positive while talking about Wolf Country. The story, to catch you up, is a what if of sorts that sees the U.K. made up of Vampires as the ruling class, humans as the middle class and werewolves as the reluctant third/lower class. The werewolves want to be left alone and the humans want a land of their own away from the Vamps. If you can’t see the social commentary, there then let me assure you that it is there.

Wolf-Country-#5-1In this issue, the human settlement that is based in the wolf… wait for it… country, has made it through a particularly difficult night of attacks. They need food and the vampire soldiers that are there to protect them need plasma. Halfpenny’s wife who is in charge of the settlement has a vision in which she talks to Luke, the boy who shot a wolf and left to join them. He gives us some insight into the wolf camp and what drives them. Otherwise everyone’s story continues along its logical course, but there’s a few surprises to be had.

This series is very consistent and that starts with the artwork. It’s steadily improving as the issues go on, but it’s subtle. It’s not a leap and a jump, but rather just a bit cleaner here and there. The backgrounds of panels need some work. Many are blank and with the art being in black and white it really stands out. You can get away with it in color, but not so much in black and white. Also you shouldn’t get away with it in color either, but that’s more of an industry note. Otherwise the art is consistent. The characters are recognizable and the action is improving.

The writing is about the same… minus the bit about the background of course. I do think there’s a few too many characters at the moment and I’m still not really sure what’s going on with Halfpenny’s story. I don’t need him to rush back home or anything like that, but it would be nice to start seeing the payoff to his side story. The dialogue is believable, especially during the dream vision which reveals a lot to us as the reader and doesn’t come off as exposition being hidden.

Wolf Country is a good comic, but right now it’s missing that extra something to make it pop. Without that it hits in the middle which isn’t a bad thing, but you’ll really have to decide for yourself if this is a story you want to try out and be invested in. You’ll know pretty quick and that’s really all there is to it.

Score: 3/5

Wolf Country #5 Writer: Jim Alexander Artist: Will Pickering Publisher: Planet Jimbot Price: £2.95 Release Date: April 2016 Format: Ongoing; Print

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