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Review: Zombie Tramp #24

This is probably one of the most satisfying arc conclusions on Zombie Tramp. The main reason being that something happens, something is resolved and there’s a ton of questions left unanswered. There’s so much left unanswered that it could take an entire year to resolve everything and that’s how you set up a monthly series to continue. [su_quote]Synopsis: The Kaiju Queen makes her appearance… do you need more than that? Look at the fucking cover, you don’t need more than that. There’s a showdown between The Kaiju Queen and Agga Yappa.[/su_quote]

I know from reading online that a lot of people blow off this book because of the title. Which is just a damn shame because Dan Mendoza gives a prime example of how empowering his female protagonist is with this issue. Janey’s speech as she’s beating the shit out of Agga is why the book is great. She not only takes no shit from anyone, especially men, but she’s out to get revenge and justice for all the women like her. You may not like the name, but until you read the story you’ll never understand why it’s called that. Again, Mendoza also sets up several storylines for the series to follow which is another thing the book hasn’t done in a while. This arc has been teased for a while, but now there’s actually meaningful things for Janey to do going forward.

ZombieTramp_cover_24ATMChu is the only other artist I’ve really enjoyed on this series. It’s been a treat to watch as his art grows and develops. He basically proves that if you give an artist a chance at a book, they’ll grow with each issue. Point in case this issue which has lush backgrounds when needed, a focus on the action when there should be and just the right amount of sex appeal without it dominating the story. That’s the way you make a “cheesecake” story, have the sex appeal just be a part of the world, but not overpower everything else. Zombie Tramp manages that each and every month.

And while I don’t have anything new to say about the coloring, I still want to point out that Marcelo Costa is a great fit for TMChu and for the series in general.

Usually I skip arc conclusions because you can’t ever really say that much about them, but in this case I at least wanted to say that the series is heading in the right direction. If you fell off the series because it was too much of the same each issue, well then you need to jump back on. If only for the fact that we’re yet to see what other transformations Janey and Xula can make or just more Kaiju Queen because that’s awesome as well.

[su_box title="Score: 4/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Zombie Tramp #24 Writer: Dan Mendoza Artist: TMChu Colorist: Marcelo Costa Publisher: Action Lab/Danger Zone Price: $3.99/$4.99 Release Date: 6/22/16 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital
