Comic Bastards

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Saga Makes It's Prime Time Debut On Felicia Day's Shirt

Last night while watching the latest episode of Supernatural on Hulu, I nearly crapped my pants as Felicia Day got out of her car in one of the opening scenes and was wearing a Lying Cat shirt. A shirt that doesn't actually exist, but I'm sure will soon enough. Since then I've noticed a few other sites talking about it, but I think that this single act only further proves my take on merchandising and comics and Saga was even one of my pics of IP's ready for the merch train. We can all thank writer Robbie Thompson for the idea as Day pointed out on Twitter. One more pic after the jump in case you care. Lying Cat Shirt

Lying Cat Shirt 2

Well it looks like Image finally figured out that the shirt was featured in the show and is releasing a Lying Cat shirt of their own through comic shops. Here's the mock of what it looks like... which isn't as cool to be honest. Oh and it's in black... big fucking surprise. I wonder if the comic industry realizes that nerds were more than one color of shirt? Regardless... it's a start.

Real Lying Cat Shirt