Stop What You're Doing And Watch This Short Animation
The animation you're about to watch is kind of a flip book animation from a Japanese comedian named Tekken. It's to commemorate 140 years of the Shinano Mainichi Shimbun paper. There is no dialog, nor is there a translation, but there doesn't need to be. There are universal emotions on display in this short. It's very moving and some of you may even need a facial tissue handed towards the end. I have more to say, but I'm going to put it after the video so that you'll know what I'm talking about.
Aside from the touching message of finding your own path in life, the actual tribute to the paper is awesome. In our modern age saving something like a newspaper seems ridiculous, but then when you consider how significant that really is and how it can map out a life-time of achievements it's actually incredible. It makes print relevant if for no other reason than it's like touching that moment in time once more. I hope you enjoyed the animation.