Worst of 2015: Worst Mini-Series
In our opinion you can't have a "Best of" list without the "Worst of" to go with it. Welcome to our worst picks of 2015. Think of it like the Razzies for comics. Each writer will make their own pick so sit back enjoy "Worst Mini-Series".
DUSTIN: Curb Stomp (BOOM! Studios)
I had to re-read this series just to remember how bad it was. If I hadn't done that, then D4VE 2 would have been my pick. Ultimately, this series had bad art, a terrible story and yet a wonderful concept and beautiful covers. It was the epitome of bait and switch comics and I would recommend never reading it. I've read it enough for all of us.
JAMES: Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War (IDW/DC)
There were a lot of good miniseries out there this year and some pretty good crossovers too. IDW Comics showed us wonderful tales as Star Trek encountered the Planet of the Apes and Godzilla went to Hell which were awesome. But with their most hyped crossover, the Star Trek / Green Lantern Spectrum War, things just fell completely flat. Nothing ever got really going and the art was not so good either, making for a real "blah" series where their others I mentioned rocked. Though I tried, I just could not enjoy this one, which is a pity. I had real high hopes.
DAVID: Rasputin (Image Comics)
A book which somehow captured the hearts of some critics, Rasputin went completely over my head. The plot seemed incoherent and the characters paper thin, with Riley Rossmo's artwork being the only thing that kept me coming back by the end.
There's more if you listen to this week's episode of the CBMFP!