Comic Bastards

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Worst of 2016: Harley Quinn

By Dustin Cabeal

This title is unbearable. Hey, I get that everyone loves the character. I used to as well. Thank you, Paul Dini, for creating a character that has captured so many fans hearts. And fuck whoever turned her into DC’s own Deadpool (which isn't on this list because I refuse to waste my time reading it).

There’s nothing interesting about this series, it’s attempts at heart are instantly overwritten by the early 90s comedy that runs rampant through the issue. If this is fun, then I must be old. So, old that I can’t even use youth as an excuse. I read more than a few issues of Harley Quinn this year and none of them, none of them made me laugh, but they did make me cry. On the inside where I cry all my comic tears. If I never read or see another thing related to Harley Quinn it’ll be too soon, but more than likely I’ll see some bullshit tomorrow and every day after until I’m dead.