Everything you want from Bloodshot is here action, action… and action. Last issue showed the computer hacking side of the nanties, this issue is full kick ass soldier side of Bloodshot.
Lilt broke into M.E.R.O. to take Malgam back to the Armor Hunters base but he is faced with resistance of Bloodshot. Lilt isn’t impressed with this puny hero and Bloodshot reassures him that he isn’t anybody’s hero. As the battle rages on Colonel Capshaw comes to and heads to the command center to make sure operation Love Boat, a full evacuation, is happening. But she has other plans to help out Bloodshot. It looks like Lilt has his prize and is going to get away, but little does he know Bloodshot has a hand in his escape. Bloodshot has sealed everything down to one way in and out.
This issue shines as the character of Bloodshot, the soldier who doesn’t quit. Written perfect for straight pure action which the name implies. It has some perfect one liners in the story too favorite is Bloodshot’s, “I‘m nobody’s hero.”
The battle is pretty intense but is what you expect from this title. The action moves across the panel and there are some that leave you gasping. Really it’s the art that make this story shine. The book if a perfect blend of story and blockbuster action you can’t find anywhere else right now.
Pick this title up, it’s been worth every penny and it’s a page turner. I can wait for the conclusion. Also this title is a perfect pure action title that you can’t put down. I know I look forward to it every release day.
Score: 4/5
Writer: Joe Harris Artist: Trevor Hairsine Publisher: Valiant Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 8/20/14 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital