Ash, Shelia, and Wise Man have taken refuge in Arthur’s abandoned castle while the skinless Deadite army, formed by The Faceless One, waits outside the walls. The Wise Man suggests a means of escape that makes a clever callback to The Army of Darkness film. Before they leave, the trio learn from two imprisoned Deadites the identity and source of the army beyond the walls.
As the group makes its way to the graveyard in the forest, readers get news that the whole course of action may be leading our hero and his friends into a trap.
The dark, cutting humor has returned. Some of the quips in this issue made me crack a smile. Previous issues of Ashcontained the lamest, flattest humor that failed to inspire even a smirk. However, this issue maintains the great momentum established in the previous book and improves on it.
Somehow Steve Niles managed to make an inspiring turn from the work on the regular series to develop a story that has good adventure, true Ash dark humor, and a sense of fun lacking in the ongoing book.
Score: 4/5
Writer: Steve Niles Artist: Nacho Tenorio Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 8/27/14 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital