Comic Bastards

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Review: Ash and the Army of Darkness #8

We open on Ash fighting some of the possessed in the midst of a dark forest on a moonless night.  The title hero wields his new sword hand, and he needs it.  The Deadites, including the Ash doppelgänger, look to dismember this S-Mart employee. This battle holds the greatest stakes for Ash because he must fight to save his true love, Shelia.  Thankfully, he has a few surprises in store for the Army of the Dead—and a big one for Sheila if she survives.

Issue 8 works off a simple plot of Ash fighting off the Deadites.  Included are some elements of comedy and also some great moments that will have readers jumping from their seats to cheer for the time-displaced anti-hero.

ASHandAOD08-Cov-Erikson copy 2Although some darker elements of horror could have helped this issue along immensely, #8 delivers just what it needs to supply its fans with a fun and entertaining story.

While there’s so much more potential this comic could cover in storylines and settings, the whole series holds so closely to the same conventions of evil duplicates, attacking severed limbs, and medieval humor.  Nevertheless, this issue succeeds with doing a simple premise, and executing it well.

This was decidedly more fun than previous issues, and should satisfy Ash’s fans quite well.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Steve Niles Artist: Nacho Tenorio Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 6/11/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital