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Review: Brain Boy #0

I don’t usually get into issues of a comic that don’t follow the semi-regulated continuity of a book, but it’s a little easier to accept them when you really enjoy a certain one. I feel like that goes without saying, but I do so enjoy hammering a point home. It just flows right off of the tongue. In this particular zero issue we get to see one of Price’s first missions that was actually first collected in Dark Horse Presents issues twenty-three through twenty-five. I wouldn’t be surprised to see references to this story even later on down the line. The subject matter really entertained me, and just reeked of importance. Fred Van Lente made me actually want to read a zero issue; that’s not a simple task. I honestly can’t remember the last one that I read. Wow, I’m actually really thinking about it and I can’t come up with anything. Anyway, that’s not important right now. We were also graced with the work of Freddie Williams II for this particular story. He definitely brought his good stuff. What seemed like a simple escort mission, wasn’t that at all. During a routine mind sweep (sorry, Fred, that’s what I’m calling it for now) Agent Price discovers that no one at the G8 Economic Conference in Northern Ireland is safe. Someone has rendered the security detail ineffective, and there is no one left to protect the client, except for Agent Price of course. Price has got his work cut out for him this time. What a way to start a career.

Brain Boy #0 CoverFred Van Lente has built this reboot a very strong foundation. And if he continues to make these issues seem relevant to the Brain Boy universe, which I’m sure that he will, this series won’t ever need another reboot. He keeps Price’s dialogue very real, for lack of a better word. He has the appearance of being one of those geniuses that we see on television that treats everyone like crap, but he legitimately seems to care about his job. He sees the importance of the existence of people like him. So far, he doesn’t really appear to resent his forced isolation and training. He has his sarcastic and distrusting side just like anyone who’s ever worked for or with the government, but he understands his purpose. That could all change drastically, but for now I like it. It works. Oh, and I loved the Youtube reference.

Freddie Williams II does something that I’m surprised I haven’t seen during R. B. Silva’s current run. We get to take a look inside Price’s mind while he’s using his abilities. Being able to see what was going on in there was a really nice touch. The overall look and feel of his art really complimented the story. Unfortunately, you can really only go on about how awesome writing or art is for so long before you start to bore people, so I’ll move on. But nice work, Freddie.

In case you missed this in Dark Horse Presents, this serves as a great jumping on point for a new reader or icing on the cake for anyone that has been reading already and wants to backtrack a little bit. So I guess what I’m really saying is, try to get on board with this series early.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Freddie Williams II Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 12/11/13