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Review: Captain Action Cat #1

Here’s another hit from Art Baltazar, Franco and Smits; Captain Action Cat is adorable as he is clever.  And just as their other creations, Baltazar and Franco concoct a fun loving comic full of super powers and puns.  I was instantly drawn in once feasting my eyes on the cute-tastic illustrations of Evil Cat and his side kick, Ghost Bug. Even the villains are hard not to love; I mean seriously, I want to be friends with Ghost Bug. Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? Evil Cat has some serious plotting up his sleeve when he activates a time stream so that he can team up with the super evil Dr. Evil Cat. Gotta give the guy some credit that scheme is clever but Captain Action Cat is on the case.  Space time continuums usually get all jumbled up but I think the writers did a pretty good job at keeping the chaos somewhat organized.

ActionCat01-Cov-BaltazarOnce jumping around in the time travel portal we find that Captain Action Cat is in hot pursuit of Dr. Evil Cat but he falls for a sneaky disguise trick; but to Dr. Evil Cat’s dismay he too succumbs to the trickery of disguises!  Then something kind of crazy happens seems that things are going a little awry and the time stream is zapping everyone into different ages. Was this part of the scheme all along? I guess we will see what Evil Cat has in store for us next month.

Art Baltazar has done some great things in the comic world, so it came as no surprise that this too would shine. I love his style and I like the innocence of the humor. I think it is appropriate for children and adults alike.  A+ on Captain Action Cat.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Art Baltazar, Franco, Chris Smits Artist: Art Baltazar Publisher: Dynamite, Dark Horse and Aw Yeah Comics Price: $3.99 Release date: 4/16/14