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Review: Captain Midnight #11

Captain Midnight has been the flagship of Dark Horse Comics' venture into the superhero genre. The Project Black Sky line has had some good and some not so good. But in regard to Captain Midnight, we have had 11 issues of some serious goodness.   Writer Joshua Williamson and artist Frenando Dagnino have really found something in this title and their work just keeps getting better and better with each issue. This has been one title that gets me excited when I see it coming out. Issue number 11 concludes the "For a Better Tomorrow" story arc and it finishes up in a way the once powerful friendship between our hero Jim Albright and his former sidekick and best friend Chuck Ramsey. Their friendship was in the past and things have now changed. I just don't think the Captain is quite prepared for it. Sure, he is battling on snd taking care of business. But we see a very vulnerable Captain Midnight within this tale that continues to develop throughout. Things are changing. Characters are dying. And battle lines are being drawn out that makes this issue quite simply the end of the beginning of things as Project Black Sky prepares for a full assault in mega crossover fashion for the near future. Thus far, the crossover elements have been minimal as the various Black Sky characters are developing. But this issue signals that the gears are being shifted and all of them will be converging as we read through the pages. This issue brings that....And, the fight scene between Helios and Midnight is truly one for the ages sat in the backdrop of Seattle, Washington. Classic all the way just flat killed by Williamson and Dagino. Great job guys.

Captain Midnight #11 copy 2Joshua Williamson's blending of past and present is just flat phenomenal here in 11. He has really turned Captain into a complex character that is more than just a thick chinned super. He is way more than that and is learning that the old rules of good vs evil just don't apply like they used to when there was a clear enemy. In today's world, everybody thinksvtgeh are right. Makes it hard time figure what's wrong. Albright is beginning to recognized that.

Dagnino has really nailed the classic look with the modern violence that puts Captain Midnight in a perfect perspective. Sure the cool look is there, but these costumes get torn up, people bleed. And if course, they die too. Gone is the old melodrama and it has been replaced with hardcore action. The art conveys this look.

As mentioned earlier, this is the end of the beginning. Project Black Sky is about time be cracked wide open for the whole world to see. Captain Midnight is ready. We should be too.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Fernando Dagnino Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 5/28/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital