Comic Bastards

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Review: Clone #10

What gets me every time about this story is the pacing. It’s so crazy and off the wall. I didn’t realize, and I doubt that anyone else that picked up this issue realized that this issue would end the second story arc. Sure it makes sense considering it’s been five issues, but the story gets bigger and bigger each issue to the point that story resolution seems impossible. As much as I like this series and enjoy it each month, there is something corny about it. I can’t quite place my finger on it, but it’s just so ridiculous that I sometimes nervously laugh while reading it. It’s as if my brain is struggling to believe all the information that I’m sending it and so it’s just grinding gears to get it all on the same page. There’s something wonderful about a story that can do all that and still bring you back each month for more. Frankly I don’t see a TV series capturing this same magic in the least bit so good luck whoever is producing it.

The clone designated Gamma has created the virus he was asked to create, but wants the one thing he’s never had in return… freedom. The new Vice President Davis tells Gamma that he lied as he smacks him down to the floor. It’s fucked up when you consider that Gamma is wheelchair bound and has no way of getting himself back up.

Back on Luke’s side of things he finds a dead guy under the sheets of his wife’s cell and freaks out. They end up getting sealed into the room and Sanah is otherwise occupied and can’t help them. She takes a shot to the gut, but as the guard turns his back on her she gets the best of him. She frees Luke and Jennfer, but they quickly find themselves trapped and outnumbered. Luke asks Sanah to open all the cells and he leads a charge of imprisoned clones against the troops until they’ve overrun the facility. It’s not over yet as Luke receives information on the location of his wife and the clone that’s with her.

clone10_coverThis is a pretty damn good issue. There’s plenty of story resolution which is crazy considering how much is going on in this story. That’s what makes it so good though, the fact that the creative team will wrap up a huge segment of the story and then just pick up with a bigger one in the next issue. I remember at the end of the fifth issue a similar thing happened and it was like, “already?” Some of these plot lines have some legs, but they choose to end them quickly which is fine I just hope that it doesn’t come back to bite them.

Seriously I will threaten leaving this book every month if it keeps Ryp on the art. He is this story. Sure there are three guys writing the story, but only one of them telling it and its Ryp. He’s the best monthly artist in the business right now and that’s not me blowing smoke or being a delusional fanboy. Look at the quality and detail of his art and find one other artist producing a monthly comic on their own at the same level. No fill in artists, no pencil assists; just pure Ryp. As detailed of an artist as he is, he’s an even better visual storyteller. He makes the action scenes dynamic, but also intensifies the heartfelt moments. Looking at his art you run out of words to describe it, it’s that amazing.

If you’re looking at checking out this series I would give it an issue and then jump on. For me this is one of the best things Image is publishing and certainly the best thing that Skybound is publishing. How it manages to keep the same intensity month after month is beyond me, but there is something very special about this series. If you’re missing out then damn… you are really missing out.

Score: 5/5

Writers: David Schulner, Aaron Ginsburg and Wade McIntyre Artist: Juan Jose Ryp Colorist: Andy Troy Publisher: Image and Skybound Entertainment Price: $2.99 Release Date: 9/11/13