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Review: Fatale #18

Jo is still not remembering her previous life; what she does remember is the fact she indirectly killed Skip. Things are getting pretty crazy with the band. I would have to say this is my favorite story yet. All the devious behavior is fun to play off of. Jon and Lance come home to find that Jo, or as they call her Jane, has done something terribly wrong. Skip has died. He of course was drunk, and tried to rape Jo, so he sort of had what was coming to him. The gang immediately sides with Jo. You know honestly I can’t tell if this is Jo’s powers coming out to sway the boys, or if they really do believe her. The story she tells is legit, but at the time the gang should trust Skip, their lifelong friend over Jo. That’s what I love about this comic; you never know when Jo is using her persuasive power. For all we know using this power before has helped to sway their opinion in future choices, because they are so used to the high. I also have a feeling once she does gain her memory back she may hate herself for it. She has in the past. Darcy is about ready to lose her mind over these horny boys. This chick is annoying. Let me explain. She always wants to do the right thing and has this intuition about things but never follows through. Stand up for your damn self! I can’t stand the fact that she lets the gang walk all over her. So even though Darcy is against it, the gang wants to cover up the murder and go on with their new music coming out. It all happens so fast, but that is life with Jo.

fatale18_coverThe band goes on with their music video as if nothing has happened. Jo seems to be the only one acting strange. Maybe the gang is a little worried, but their minds are in a fog about this new music video. And just seeing Jo too helps to calm their nerves. The whole murder seems to bring back some old memories for Jo and may even snapped her out of her amnesia.

This comic is just brilliant. Each new issue has something to offer. The comic perfectly balances out the mystery, sex, lust, and action. As a reader, you just can’t seem to get enough of Jo and all her glory. She is disturbing with all her femme fatale happening, but so tantalizing you can't help but feel like one of the characters being drawn into her ever will. The next issue should really hit home once Jo realizes all she can do. The comic shows a small glimpse of a huge reveal as well. It will change the game and will be interesting how the comic plays this out. It could go in so many directions, let me know if you catch it.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Sean Phillips Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 11/6/13