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Review: Goddess Inc. #1

If I had to compare Goddess Inc. to another comic, it would be Ultra, it has a similar feel but the characters in Goddess Inc. are a little less compelling and relatable. These gods are cold and vengeful but I kind of like that they are just one big dysfunctional family. I’m totally buying into the petty drama of the gods.  I know at times it can old because we’ve seen this kind of story before so I’m hoping that Goddess Inc. changes things up. Goddess Inc. revolves around Venus who I guess you can say is moonlighting as a fashion mogul while plotting a scheme to get her family reunited so that things can get back to “normal.” Ya know, with humans worshipping the gods and what not. The thing is though not everyone is as power-hungry as Venus so things may get a little dicey.

Goddess Inc #1-1I like the general concept of Goddess Inc. I’m a fan of all things supernatural but again I didn’t really feel anything for the characters. There wasn’t really any back story for me to sympathize or hate Venus. So right now I am feeling a bit indifferent towards her. All the characters seem to be in pissy moods but you’re not really quite sure why. There was just something missing for me. Usually, Grimm Fairy Tales has decent storylines and solid characters but this time I just wasn’t feeling it.

One of the characters criticizes Venus about her line of work in the fashion industry and mentions that it’s basically selling images that no one can achieve; I was pleasantly surprised that this was acknowledged in a Grimm Fairy Tales comic. The thing is though that every single one of these characters falls under a narrow idea of beauty. I didn’t see even one person of color. There wasn’t much variation in body type either. I know that Grimm does this a lot but it was more blatantly exclusive than usual.

In regards to the artwork, if I put aside how problematic the renditions of the characters are then it’s actually not too bad. I’d just like to see a more representative group of characters.  Although the work does gives off an eerie vibe that I think works with the whole sinister plotting feel.  Also, the variant cover art was on point, I really dig the classic Venus versus Modern Venus ones though. However, if Venus was real today I think a fashion mogul would suit her well and Cover A captures that.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Latoya Morgan Artist: Manuel Preitano Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release date: 8/6/2014 Format: Print/Digital