A corner drug dealer peddles his wares when a familiar blond temptress appears. The crimson-topped lady recants a tale to Mo, the dealer, about a plague-ravaged world.
A man searches the wreckage for help for his family. His son catches the plague, known as ‘The Red’ yet the father remains immune. His pregnant wife dies of the plague but births a daughter with the same resistance as her father.
The wealthy stay healthy via suits. One woman steals the baby girl and absconds inside the mansion stronghold. From there we learn that the father and daughter are immune because of a very dreadful reason.
In an uneventful turn, the drug-dealing Mo ends up getting some of that Tales from the Crypt justice, although it does not come from a cool, supernatural source.
The wraparound narrative of the drug dealer limped along with no interesting parts. Where this issue excels is the interior story of the plague world. Not quite the critique of the “have’s” and “have not’s” that it wants to be, the story does provide an entertaining read. Had more time been given to the plague story, this comic could have been both literary and enjoyable. Instead, the dual nature of the unrelated red hair vixen sinks the potential for this comic.
There’s a great voice to be developed in this title; however, the mismanagement of the red-haired woman gimmick continues to sink an otherwise fun book. I want to rate this comic higher, but the identity crisis befalling the narrative stunts any opportunity for horror or greatness.
Score: 2/5
Writer: Shane McKenzie Artist: Francisco Bifulco Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Price: $2.99 Release Date: 10/1/14 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital