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Review: iHero #1

The next generation of super technology is here. And well, it's super, literally Super. The iHero allows its user super power abilities of all sorts and kinds. Want super speed? Sure. How about the ability to fly? Oh yeah. Super strength? You betcha. The iHero does it all. Whether you want to be a hero or villain, iHero will make it happen. Of course, all the elements of great smart technology are included with the iHero like a calendar, internet access, music, and video, etc. The only limitation is your imagination. iHero is the brainchild of Luke J. Halsall who wrote the story, with the artistic talents of Graeme Kennedy being utilized in this "What If" comic that explores what would happen if super abilities could be purchased by everyday people for everyday use. The results are mixed regarding iHero the device. But as for iHero the comic, the results are a good entertaining read that has a nice mix of playfulness and seriousness with some intrigue and mystery blended in as well. This is a sound opening issue that is well worth a look.

iHero issue 1 digital-1Anyone who has seen the advance of technology have probably thought of something similar to this story idea. Credit goes to Halsall for not only recognizing it, but for running with it and making it his own. Using very recognizable concepts and ideas in today's world, Halsall directs these aspects to make the reader feel comfortable, and then he institutes original ideas that help to keep the reader turning the pages and not dismissing it as something that has been done before. It's like a new shoe that has an old shoe comfort and feel.

Halsall uses flashbacks to help convey the early hits and misses of the iHero platform showing both sides equally and he likewise shows the early promotional efforts that help the equipment to take off. And take off it does. Through the efforts of "Pear Industries" Founder/CEO Jack Taylor and his shrewd use of Icon, "The Original Hero", legitimacy is brought to the device tying in the actual real heroes (who are rare and aging), to the new "iHeroes" ready to take the reins of saving the world.

Cut to five years later and a mysterious death occurs that requires use of Taylor's created Hero Institute to investigate the unique circumstances of the death as well as the many persons of interest that may or may not be involved adding to the intrigue. Halsall gives the reader limited information, but he loads clues all around to help pique interest and leave you craving more.

Greame Kennedy's art is fresh and does an excellent job of mixing business (the serious occurrences that occur during the investigation of the death) and pleasure (different situations of wearers of the iHero devices and what they do). It works in tandem with the writing to create a balanced work and an entertaining one, with the finished result being a desire of looking forward to Issue #2.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Luke J. Halsall Artist: Greame Kennedy Publisher: OR Comics Price: $4.83 US (approximately) Website