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Review: Legenderry- A Steampunk Adventure #3

As a continuum from last month’s issue we catch up with Miss Spadarossa on the flying ship, where she only just escapes the clutches of her assassins.  It seems that she has made an effort to fall under the radar until the captain persistently urges her to dinner. Turns out the captain is none other than Captain Victory; who is also accompanied by Lee Majors (Major Steve Austin) and Oscar Goldman! I’m digging the steampunk revamp of these heroes; these gentlemen look very dapper. Well it seems that some nosey guests overhear who this mystery lady is and they have an agenda of their own. That night vicious mutant beasts strike the ship with the intent on capturing Miss Spadarossa. Captain Victory teams up with the cyborgs to protect the ship and Spadarossa. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts she ends up falling off the ship. We will see where she ends up next time and what revamped hero will save her.

In this issue we get just get a small taste of what the dark mass might have in store for Spadarossa. Is he looking for a bride? Is this part of this evil elaborate scheme or just a creepy attempt at wooing her? Who knows! Maybe we will see some wedding bells in the near future.

Legenderry03-Cov-BenitezI can never complain about the art in this series. It’s actually one of my favorites this year. Sergio Fernandez Davila and Wes Hartman’s collaboration on this series really brings the steampunk world alive.

We also see Joe Benitez do the main cover again. As I have raved about him before I am always pleased to see his work.

Although I did really enjoy the issue, I felt something missing. I think I grew attached to Vampirella kicking ass in the previous issues and we didn’t get that this time. Though it’s nice to see other characters being introduced I hope that Vampirella will have a large role in this arc.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Bill Willingham Artist: Sergio Fernandez Davila Colorist: Wes Hartman Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 3/19/14