I haven’t gotten a story from LDB since April when he dealt with the burgeoning affair with his boss at the theater and the implications with Toby and Carl.
We pick up in volume two after Toby swung on LDB. Moving forward with their relationship, LDB and Spike go to see one of Drew’s stand-up performances. Out of nowhere Jazz appears. Bad feelings arise in LDB as he struggles to cope with the ‘sort-of relationship’ the two of them shared.
Spike proves that she’s an amazing girlfriend by supporting LDB and insisting that he stay beyond the awkward encounter. Drew asks LDB onstage, and the issue ends with the most peculiar cliffhanger in comics.
For a simple, non-cape and cowl comic, LDB reads so fluidly. The story and emotion conveys brilliantly through the culpable situations and heart-breaking scenarios. Spike does so well in keeping LDB grounded, and LDB makes us all know that the pain we have all felt in life is common.
I breezed through this issue because of its subtlety, but the comic has been sticking in my mind for some time after. Volume 2 is a great jumping on point for this story, and the genuine characters and effective mood will have you hooked from here on out.
Score: 4/5
Writer/Colorist/Letterer: S. Steven Struble Artist: Sina Grace Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 10/1/14 Format: Print/Digital