Comic Bastards

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Review: Rocket Girl #4

This marks the second week in a row where I’ve gotten a book to review that’s been delayed for quite a while.  Rocket Girl has been delayed almost three months, and to be bluntly honest I wouldn’t have minded if it never came back or ended on this issue.  If you’re even the most casual of comic fans, it wouldn’t be surprising if you forgot about this book because of everything that’s come out over the past three months, especially new books at Image where this book is published.  Luckily, this issue was an improvement over the third issue in terms of readability and grasping an understanding of the world that Brandon Montclare and Amy Reeder have created-that said, most of it is action so technically that’s not saying much. The two Quintum Mechanics security officers are still after Dayoung in 1986.  However, instead of delivering her tech to Dayoung’s scientist friends, one of the two men is hellbent on taking her out.  The other officer doesn’t agree and says that his partner is going to screw up the master plan trying to get rid of the girl, but he follows along.

RocketGirl-04Back in 2013, things are still in chaos as the city is on lockdown thanks to Leshawn starting a shootout in the lobby of Quintum Mechanics’ lobby last issue.  He seems to be the only one thinking the way I do: what’s the point of everything happening?  He asks Commissioner Gomez why he started the shootout, just so Dayoung could go back in time and destroy everything that New York City was built on?  Back in 2013 again, Dr. Sharma along with Ryder and company are trying to do their part and reverse some of this chaos going on with the Q-Engine.

I don’t really want to go into much more of the story since most of this issue documents Dayoung’s struggle with the two Quintum Mechanics security officers, but I do have to say the ending packed a punch with a cliffhanger that I didn’t see coming.  Where the issue really shone for me was the art.  The art in this series has been absolutely gorgeous, and this installment was no exception.  Watching the officers chase Dayoung through the subway was awesome, and thanks to the unconventional angles and original use of panels you always feel like you’re right there in the action.  The art is so vibrant but masters both time periods with ease, making each believable in their own way.  There wasn’t any point in the comic where I was taken out of the book because of something distracting like I was last issue, so that was a plus.  Unfortunately though, I think the beautiful art really made me forget that what was going on in the comics wasn’t necessarily memorable or something we hadn’t seen yet in this story (except for the ending).  I guess I’ll check out next month’s issue, but I’m starting to lose interest in this series with each issue.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Brandon Montclare Artist: Amy Reeder Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 3/19/14