Review: Sleepy Hollow #4

In Sleepy Hollow #3, the gang got sucked into a possessed grandfather clock that trapped each person in their own hell. The cursed music kept them possessed, kept them from fighting back. Luckily we’ve got Abbie- she figured out how to get everyone out of their personal hells by targeting the music. All that’s left is Abbie’s own prison. #4 opens in Abbie’s hell. Van Bilj is a robot type creature, looking like something created from various clock pieces. The spirits attempt to claim Abbie’s soul by giving her a weapon and her life in return for her service, but she and Ichabod are having none of that. She keeps the axe: used it to bust the others out, and now uses it to fend off the spirits trying to trap her. Ichabod and his shovel manage to take Van Bilj apart, and that act casts the gang out of the purgatory clock.

Sleepy-Hollow-#4-1-28-15The possessed grandfather clock is destroyed and trouble is at bay for the time being. We get a lovely, intimate moment between Ichabod and Abbie as they piece together a broken pie clock. Abbie confesses to feeling that she is running out of time; that witness also means martyr and that her end is inevitable. It’s a touching and heartbreaking moment; it’s clear that whenever their time runs out, Abbie and Ichabod will face it together.

#4 concludes this story arc, but I hope we get more of this comic. I adore Bennett’s portrayal of Abbie and Ichabod. The action and supernatural elements fit in perfectly with the tone and pace of the show. Bennett does a wonderful job of showcasing the relationships that hold this series together while still keeping the action the focus of the story. Coelho’s art is amazing, and Bonvillain’s coloring is gorgeous. It’s an all-around well put together comic.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Marguerite Bennett Artist: Jorge Coelho Publisher: BOOM! Studios Price: $3.99 Release Date: 1/28/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital