Comic Bastards

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Review: The Bionic Woman - Season 4 #1

Who doesn’t love Bionic Woman? If you don’t, I will go against every mother’s advice and judge you. I will judge you and stereotype your personality to be a prude and coward. For all of those who love Bionic Woman, which should be everyone, Dynamite has brought back our favorite blonde. Now I have been lackluster about picking up the Bionic Woman comic because like most I feared it would disappoint the fans. But I finally got ahold of this new installment, so check out what I think. The first thing to notice about this comic, is how Dynamite copied Jaime Sommers from the woman we all love; Lindsay Wagner. The comic is continuing the show from the 70s, so I am exciting to see her balance her two worlds of being a teacher and being an O.S.I. agent. We open with an almost TV musical open. I love when comics can do this and Bionic Woman is such an appropriate time to have one of these intros. Then we don’t waste any time getting tangled in Sommers’ missions. Sommers is off the coast of Cuba trying to secure a ship ran by some pirates. I think all action comics should throw a mission in your face right from the beginning. The action scenes can sometimes tell you more about these characters than the actual speaking. I wouldn’t want Bionic Woman to open any other way.

BWSF01-Cov-ChenBut even though we start in Cuba, that isn’t where our main mission takes place. After getting some improvements done of her body, Sommers is off to Mexico to investigate and recover a fallen satellite. Simple recovery mission right? Wrong. This is Bionic Woman and nothing is easy in her world besides reaching the top shelf. One of my favorite things about this new comic involves the old-time action the comic gives off. It didn’t explode with huge jumps, super strength, and fast speeds. Instead, and I mean this in the coolest way possible, the action reflects the show and it is plain corny. I love it. By giving it this old-time feeling with Wagner resembling the lead and the action being old school, it creates the same lovable show that takes the audience back.

From the opening credits to the closing cliff hanger, Bionic Woman - Season 4 will no doubt entertain the reader from beginning to end. Some action comics try to do too much or some try to change the original that made it so popular, but Dynamite just stuck with its success and gave us an awesome story. Each issue will take us through a mission and waiting next month for #2 will be a struggle.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Brandon Jerwa Artist: David T. Cabrera Colorist: Sandra Molina Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/17/14 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital