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Review: The Blood Queen #1

Fans of Game of Thrones will find The Blood Queen a fulfilling answer to any fantasy cravings.  Smartly written and darkly ominous, the series focuses on a young woman named Elizabeth called on by her elder to investigate the King’s ailing infant daughter. Finding the infant bewitched by blood magic, Elizabeth must uncover the source of the attack.  Assisting her are Sir Ferenc, a knight of the realm, and Jon Hunter, the alchemist advisor for the king.

As previously mentioned, the writing proves this comic to be far superior than other fantasy iterations currently on the shelves of the local comic book emporium.  Elizabeth, though reluctant, feels in control; her strong presence foreshadows her future ascension to power.  With her magical abilities to aid her, Elizabeth will surely be orchestrating some interesting machinations to expedite her control of the throne.

BloodQueen-01-Cov-Garza copy 2Two great moments concerning dialogue had me smirking in admiration of the book.  One was Sir Ferenc explaining the difference between the theater and Kiong Trevian’s court.  The other, a moment where after several insistences by Sir Ferenc not to promise anything to the royal family, Elizabeth promises to heal the princess.  In that pregnant response readers will see the potential in Elizabeth’s fearlessness and her cunning.

Though not stated outright, this has all indications that it may be the fictionalized story of Elizabeth Bathory, the woman who slaughtered virgins to bathe in their blood and remain young.  Since everyone needs an origin story, this would make for an opportune topic for a dark fantasy book.

At least The Blood Queen has a competent creative staff to make this book compelling.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Troy Brownfield Artist: Fritz Casas Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 6/11/14 Format: Print/Digital