Comic Bastards

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Review: TMNT #40

I couldn’t be more thrilled to see Alopex and Angel ganging up together. I mean with Bebop and Rocksteady in the picture, and then you throw on Hob with some more mutant creations of his, you are bound to have one crazy event. So of course two women, Angel and Alopex need to step in and save them all. Yeah, if you haven't been keeping up with this series some serious shit is going down. I have been twiddling my thumbs through these past couple of issues. Lots of exposition has been going on. And although I still think we are in those stages, it was about damn time for a sweet fight to come through. Finally all of these characters meet up and just have an all-out brawl. The fight, minus Donnie, includes what we have all been hoping for. Bebop and Rocksteady clearly come in as the funny bash brothers. I couldn’t get enough of their banter and honestly they outshined the Turtles and their usual funny dialogue. I was impressed with our two female leads, but the issue gave light to our newest mutants, Mondo and Herman. I was impressed with their moves and what they brought to the table. I have to admit I was apprehensive about these mutants, but you can’t help but like them.

TMNT40_cvrI think the Alopex and Raph reunion is a tad cheesy, but honestly needed to be done. These two have some sort of connection, so I was glad to see them come together. I just hope Alopex can stay with the group this time because she rounds out the gang nicely.

The big missing piece was Donnie. He is too busy worrying about the Technodrome to be involved with his family. It seems to me that he has isolated himself from the group and won’t be seen for a while. So although we spent a lot of time not seeing Donnie in this issue, he will have a huge impact on what happens next. And if grab the issue, you will see some light to his plan.

TMNT definitely hit some awesome points with their latest issue. I think some readers have been waiting for the next big story arc to come out, but knowing the background behind it all is the true gift. When you understand a character's motive before the big blow up, it makes it all worth wild.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Tom Waltz Artist: Mateus Santolouco Colorist: Ronda Pattison Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 11/26/14 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital