Comic Bastards

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Web Pick: Deep Dive Daredevils

Article by: Neil Rodriguez Welcome to another edition of Comic Bastards Web Pick.  This week, I want to highlight a web comic titled Deep Dive Daredevils and is created by Matt Heistand, Dan Fifield, Evin Dempsey and Danilo Guida.  The web comic is a weekly series that is about deep-sea adventures.  It involves Pirates, Sailors, and some outer world entities.

In the first story arc titled: Secret of the Beaufort Sea, the story starts back in 1851 were a bunch of pirates are out hunting for sperm whales. During their hunt, the ship encounters a strange light and the crew of the ship suddenly disappears.  Fast forward to 1937 and a young boy named Joe discovers that there is a man floating in the deep cold sea and quickly dives in and rescues the man and brings him back to the submarine. After the rescue the man reveals that he is a Captain named Ulysses Armstrong and that he needs to find his crew as soon as possible.  After Captain Ulysses reveals who he is, more questions arise about the mysterious man and why was he the sole survivor of his ship.


I am not really a big sea adventure type of person but after getting caught up with story I must say that Deep Dive Daredevils is a very fun read.  What really stood out for me on this web comic were the story telling and the art style.  Both of these are done really well and the web comic reminded me so much of the golden age and silver age comics were you have a one shot story of a comic book and then you would move on to the next adventure that a book would bring you the next month. I was really impressed and the web series provides, humor, excitement, adventure, intrigue, and good old fashion fun to a comic.  It’s stuff like this web comic that the comic book industry should bring back into their own books to remind themselves of what comics are all about, fun.

If you are into deep-sea adventures and love the old comic book style art,  I highly recommend that you give Deep Dive Daredevils a shot.  It is clearly a gem that deserves to be put on the spotlight! To read this awesome web comic visit: and be prepared for a great ride!