Review: Baltimore: The Infernal Train #3 (of 3)

Baltimore fights vampires atop the speeding train.  Duvic prays for guidance, and the witch Fulcanelli pushes forth on a quest to raise the sleeping vampire god Haigus. As all parties involved fight, the action escalates into a brilliant supernatural brawl with an explosive climax.

The fast-paced, adeptly told story reveals much about the nature of the characters.  Additionally, Lord Baltimore gets plenty of moments in which he proves his badassdom.

This final chapter of the Lord Baltimore series ends with a great conclusion and a some unexpected twists that will have you hungering for the next installment of Baltimore’s quest.

Definitely pick up this comic and enjoy the adventure.

Baltimore - The Infernal Train #3 Cover

Score: 4/5

Writers: Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden Artist: Ben Stenbeck Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 11/6/13