Review: Gateway #4

This issue picked up on the overall series, but I still need more! Jake gives us little insights to what is happening especially with the involvement of Jericho and the dark souls. I like learning more about the whole gang, but I am still confused on what Jake’s motivations are. Sure he is trying to finding this lost boy who gets mentioned only in this issue, but will this boy remain unlike our other new character introductions. Seems weird to discuss Jake’s motivations so late in the game. And we get a small flashback into Jake’s life about this boy, but nothing more. If this boy was that important to Jake why didn’t he mention him earlier? Also, why would he assume that the dark souls have the boy? He could be anywhere in Hopetown or Freedom Town. I think the writers just wanted an excuse for Jake to meet the leader of the souls. It felt all mismatched. We do get some action between the two, but with the storyline being so forced it wasn’t fully enjoyed. Jericho has taken the back-burner to being a main character, and I was disappointed to see this. Maybe next issue he will come out and be more involved. We do get one key character that I hope will spice up the reading and that is Jessica. She returns and is now living in Freedom Town. Not to my surprise, we have no idea why she is there though and left Hopetown. As I said, I wish we had some sort of connection between these towns, but things are getting forgotten that could lead to some interesting turn of events. For instance, why does Hopetown and Freedom hate each other? Maybe the dark souls have something to do with this hatred. It doesn’t explain why everyone wants to rule this limbo-like place. So not only do we not understand Jake’s full motivate, but it is hard to figure anyone elses out.

Gateway04_cvrSome things came out better this time around though. For instance, I am glad that they brought Jessica back. It was starting to look like no character would be returning. I also like how Jake is running this town now. It seems quick... way too quick, but hopefully Gateway can turn it into something real. I am hoping he meets up with the big boss, Mason, of Hopetown for some clarification on these two rivals. I am still baffled that Jake is so nonchalant about dying still and living in this world, but yeah some people react differently to things. I also think the dark souls share an intriguing quality that the overall comic still has. I think the art has a lot to do with this. With all its darkness and the rough outline, I really feel in a new world or a post-apocalyptic world.

Overall, I want this comic to explain some questions that are building up into one cluster fuck of confusion. I think I could enjoy the story more and could let go of some things that aren’t going well. Jake has that chip on his shoulder that I love about male leads. The ending of this issue gave me some better hope that things will soon even out for the comic, but I don’t want to hold my breath knowing how all the new characters are somehow forgotten about.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Joe Halpin Sr. Artist: Juanfrancisco Moyano Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/2/14 Format: Mini-Series - Print/Digital