Review: Robyn Hood #2

Well Robyn is back in her new ongoing series and with issue one taking us all on a new ride, I was all set for two to do the same. See Pat Shand is bringing us the same badass Robyn, but with a twist. I have to say I like this new side. The differences lie in her setting. In Nottingham, Robyn was always brought there to save the day, but now she is New York seeking her own villain to take down. I think Robyn has finally realized how powerful she really is and Myst proved that to her. Although going up against this new foe, I do think Robyn is almost too confident...but we will get to that later. The other difference is Robyn working full-time with Marian. I will be honest and say that I never saw Robyn as the partner type, but it works. It works because she has lost Will, so now she values her friends more than most. I think she keeps Marian as an asset, but also to protect her. I don’t think Robyn could afford another loss. I wish we could see more of Marian though. It has only been two issues but seeing Marian kick some butt would be just as sweet as Robyn. I am sure we are getting there. Shand has plenty in store for the series.

RH_Ongoing_02_coverALast time we left Robyn she was in a bind… not a surprise with this girl. She is up against a man known as The Priest. Sam, a roller derby chick, happen to notice her friends taking some pretty weird drugs. Robyn and Marian, with some help, find The Priest and soon find that he has Sam. He has been taking witches souls and somehow claims to be a part of God. In Robyn’s first battle, she gets made a fool because not only is he a fierce competitor, but he doesn’t seem to get wounded. Robyn gets in one good hit, but he vanishes and now the girls are more confused than ever.

I’ve gone up and down with all of Robyn Hood’s story, but ever since Legends, this story has taken on some good plot. I love the progression that each issue takes on. We still have fun hearing Robyn’s every thought, and now the villains and action and side characters all create the perfect setup for this tale. I especially love when this issue opens up, we see Robyn and Marian at the roller derby track then we flashback to where we left off in one. This gives the readers a taste of what is coming and if you are like me, you love roller derby, so you can’t wait.

So yeah Robyn and Marian now go undercover as roller derby chicks part of the witches clan. Their goal; find The Priest and surprise him. But before we get to the big action, I love how the comic goes through each team member and gives them a sort of introduction to the reader. But before the girls can hit the track, The Priest is sucking souls again. He isn’t seen but his magic is happening.

This issue only gets better, and with The Priest being so powerful his story in #3 will hit some intense action. Plus, we really have no idea why he wants these witches’ soul. Again, this plot has started with a bang, so do yourself a favor and check this new series out.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Pat Shand Artist: Claudia Balboni Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/24/14 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital