Review: The Private Eye #4

You know I don’t actually have to review this book, but I want to. It’s one of the few series that I want to talk about and review due to how good it is. With the pay what you want structure there is no reason for a review because regardless of my score you get to decide your own price. The thing I love about a Private Eye release is that there’s this race to download the issue on the day that it comes out. There’s a need to be the first of your friends to read it and I am not alone in this feeling as the letter’s column exemplifies this perfectly.

Also I wish that people would get that this book isn’t going to see print anytime soon if ever. One person requested to print it themselves which I found stupid and weird since it sounds like they were going to make bootlegs, but what do I know… I guess the nature of this story just makes people want to hold stuff in their hands.

After a failed attempt at getting info on the Gas Mask men that tried to kill them PI and Raveena head off to find a dirty librarian to help them discover what her sister was researching. I have to say that this aspect of the world is again very interesting as it deals with one’s search history. In this future everyone’s search history is federally protected making it illegal to view.  Meanwhile we check in with our bad guy of the story and find that he has a rocket… yeah.

There is not one, but two cliffhangers for this story which is a change-up and makes me chomp at the bit for more. I really like the different aspects of the world that were revealed in this issue and how they’re actually very relevant with the recent NSA business. In a way it’s scary how real it is. With that there is more infusion of the old with the new as PI hits up a street vending machine for cigarettes. As much as I enjoyed this issue there was some dialog that fell flat for me and the pacing wasn’t quite there in the beginning. It really takes the first two scenes to find the right stride and then it’s the Private Eye we all know and love.

Oh the art, the gorgeous, beautifully devastating artwork. If you don’t love Martin and Vicente’s artwork then you’re dead inside. Before I gush about the coloring I’ll stop over on the line work which continues to impress me with the amount of details and the cinematic experience. Now as I say that I hate myself because I don’t think it’s the best way to describe his style. Martin really is creating this for the monitor and I appreciate that. I wish it read better on my tablet, but on my monitor it’s the best comic I’ve ever read. The world is alive and breathing. It feels like L.A., but in a way that is both futuristic and classic.

I don’t know why I haven’t seen Vicente’s name on more comics coloring them because the colors on this book are insane. Maybe it takes a lot of time to make that happen and that’s why, but I would love to see more. The coloring in the lynchpin of this series; without it the artwork isn’t as lifelike and then the story wouldn’t be as real and believable. Everything comes together because of the spectacular coloring.

If you read this you probably already bought or freely download the issue, but if you haven’t then head over to Panel Syndicate’s website. This issue may not have been as spectacular as the last, but it’s still a hell of an issue. The experiment rolls on, but I think it’s safe to say that this series has solidified its self as something amazing in the world of comics. After the series is over I hope they work on some official merchandise because I don’t want to make my own Ghost Jacket and I really want posters of all the covers. Just saying.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Artist: Marcos Martin Colorist: Muntsa Vicente Publisher: Panel Syndicate Price: Pay What You Want