Review: X-O Manowar #28

After securing his first victory over the Armor but suffering three losses, Reebo continues his quest to destroy armors all over the universe.  Primary, the control of the Hunters, realizes that the Armors aren’t being stopped. Reebo loses communication with Control just before coming across a monstrous crustacean-type life form inhabiting an Armor.  Malgam takes a hit while Reebo downs the Armor.

XO_028_COVER_BERNARDWith the possibility of losing his best friend, Reebo takes drastic action.  The events of the last few panels lead into the prequel to the whole Armor Hunters storyline, and the anticipation grows to find out the final fate of Malgam.

I have always extolled Robert Venditti’s expert plotting on this book.  Like a chess master who knows how to thwart an opponent with carefully planned moves, Venditti sets characters and events into place that create action-packed stories.  All of his moves result in entertaining plots, and Malgam’s story proves this so well.  While we have not encountered Aric in the last few issues, the Visigoth king’s return will be well received and almost certainly at a moment that will have readers rising from their seats to cheer.

Valiant has a crossover on par and exceeding anything Marvel and DC can produce, and the company owes it all to Robert Venditti’s hard work. We finally have a comic company event that makes outstanding story equally as important as the heroes competing in the quest.

The book’s only flaw, which is nothing more than my personal gripe, is that Aric’s absence weighs heavily.  Otherwise, this is a superb action story.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Diego Bernard Publisher: Valiant Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 8/27/14 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital