Comic Bastards

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Buy This Colossus Costume Tee

Shut up I'm serious. Here's why. Buy it. Wear it the next convention you go to on Saturday. It has to be Saturday. Seriously I'm going to buy it and wear it at the next convention I go to on Saturday and I expect to see others. If you see someone wearing it you go up to them with your shirt on and say, "Comrade" and high-fucking-five them. After that take turns saying "Your metal is strong like steel, not weak like can" over and over until you have to leave. Then do it to the next dude you see wearing the shirt. I want to see everyone wearing this fucking Colossus shirt every Saturday of every con from here on out. You see someone wearing it on Friday you go up to them and say, "He is weak like bear, not strong like Colossus." Also you better be giving your best fake Russian accent while doing all of this. Saturday.

Any convention from here on out.

Colossus Costume T-Shirt.

Spread the word because I am serious as a heart attack.

Buy it here for $20 bucks.