Do you ever just look at your home state and think, please don't do anything stupid today? I mean I guess if you don't care about those type of things then whatever, but for me there is a fifty/fifty chance of hearing something dumb and having it originate from my home state of Colorado. I'm referring about the Darth Valley Challenge that took place about a week ago in which Jonathan Rice from Longmont, CO ran the hottest and fastest mile in a Darth Vader costume. Granted this wasn't a full leather and boots costume, but the temperature outside was 129 Fahrenheit at the time. It latter climbed to 131 while Rice was posing for pictures. This is the fourth year in a row that Rice has done this run and it looks like he may get into Guinness because of it. That leaves me to believe that more crazy assholes will attempt it next year. Rice has a website (why wouldn't he) in which he warns others of the risks that he takes by doing this and strongly encourages others not to do it. You can watch some videos of past years and such below and we'll all have to wait at the edge of our seat to see if he makes it into Guinness.
Via io9