Episode 135: Sleepy Edition / Long Beach Comic Expo

Well ladies and gentlemen you're in for a treat because Dustin edited the audio for this podcast... actually that's a disclaimer. We traveled to the Long Beach Comic Expo this weekend and so we have a bonus segment at the end of the normal podcast. You'll want to stick around as Kimberly Gibson from the site joins us! Also Dustin is impossible to hear for most of the that segment so sorry in advance. For the normal podcast we talk about that Fantastic Four rumor probably just before Marvel makes everyone look like fools by doing the opposite. We touch on Graphicly's demise and Alan Moore's new digital app thingy. We also start our Kickstarter feature this week with Albert the Alien.

Books that got read:
  • Trees #1
  • DrySpell #1
  • Nightbreed #1
  • Ordinary #1


Here's the last two week's episodes in case you've been missing out!
