Review: 2000 AD Prog 1931

I'm on the road moving across the country this week, so here’s a brief peek at this week's Prog. We've got the start of a new 3riller this week, a little three-part twisty series that 2000 AD publishes from time to time, this one called "Commercial Break."  From writer Eddie Robson, it is the third of his recent 3riller's of late, the Prog-1931 first I was not much of a fan of, but the second really grabbed me.  I'm already in love with the newest one.  I like simple little creepy plots, especially for short stories like this one that just don't have the space to explore big ideas.  Truth be told, I don't always need a big idea.  A weird commercial popping up out of the blue is entertaining enough.  Collins and Caldwell's art on the title really takes it over the top.

Strontium Dog nears its end with a nice little twist this week.  It's funny because Strontium Dog is a title that is even less cerebral than Dredd, since one requires a bit of detective work; but, when it counts, Alpha is still a character who can pull back the curtain on some galactic political intrigue.

Grey Area was great again this week... I just wish they would get out of the fucking prison already, before I try to jump off a ledge like Manners.

Score: 4/5

2000 AD Prog 1931 Writers: Various Artists: Various Publisher: 2000 AD Price: £1.99 (Digital) £2.49 (UK) Release Date: 5/20/15 Format: Weekly; Print/Digital