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Review: Armor Hunters #4

Here’s the thing about event book mini-series… if you don’t stick the landing everyone forgets about your series and their faith in your next event is rattled. It’s why I don’t buy into either of the “big two’s” events anymore. They miss every damn landing. The question becomes: Does Armor Hunters stick the landing?

It sure fucking does.

AH_004_VARIANT_HAIRSINEI’m not actually going to tell you about the issue because let’s be honest it’s the conclusion and you should just read it for yourself. It’s action packed and full of great character moments. Our villains are not the stars and while they might come across as a bit Darth Mauly, again they’re not the stars. What little they’ve unleashed has been pretty terrible and so they don’t need to somehow be bigger villains, they just need to show up.Aric is definitely the star of the issue. His character development is so deep and rewarding that you’ll be glad that Robert Venditti handled this event. Honestly after this you’ll want him to handle or play a role in every Valiant event. Aric’s character changes dramatically after this issue and I for one can’t wait to see how it plays out in X-O Manowar.

The second best character of the story is Bloodshot. He has a very limited role, but his appearance is fantastic. I kid you not; you’ll laugh out loud and clap your hands… twice! I did, I’m not kidding. If Venditti has time I think he should take the reins on Bloodshot.

Doug Braithwaite delivers in a big way on this final issue. His artwork is very consistent. It’s so refreshing to see an artist of his caliber, be that consistent. The art never dips. Never. The way Braithwaite handles the action is a real treat for readers because it’s easy to follow, but very intense. His artwork also plays a huge role in the success of the witty dialogue from Venditti. If the characters didn’t respond or pose just right then the impact of the scene and dialogue would be lost.

This ending is very pleasing and has restored my faith in the concept of an event book taking place in comics. There are real consequences to this story and our characters grow and change from the events. There isn’t a huge status quo shake up, just good ole character development. Hopefully the rest of the industry takes note and learns from this because if they did the event cycle wouldn’t be the murdering of storytelling that it is at other companies. Kudos to Venditti, Braithwaite and the team at Valiant for delivering the best summer event book in years!

Score: 5/5

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Doug Braithwaite Publisher: Valiant Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/24/14 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital