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Review: Armor Hunters – Harbinger #2

This has been an interesting tie-in to Valiant’s Armor Hunters. It really is this perfect meshing of Harbinger and Armor Hunters, but it doesn’t feel as closely connected as some of the other Valiant titles. The story this issue is centered on the blue glob left by Gin-Gr when Mexico City was destroyed. Faith and Torque end up saving the acting President of Mexico who has been attacked by the orb. He’s interesting because he makes sure that everyone knows he’s just the acting President which actually makes him suspicious.

The Generation Zero kids are heading to the same place location as Faith and Torque, but they find a woman that’s badly burnt but still alive. It seems that she may be a psiot and that her power was activated by the explosion Gin-Gr caused. She’s also pregnant which is very interesting, but we’ll see what happens with that next time.

After the President is cleared out the Renegades and the Zero kids all head to the center of the blue orb and find that it’s covering a hole in the ground. Down below they find an incubator of alien creatures.

AH_HARB_002_COVER_LAROSAThis is a satisfying issue to read, but the tone of the Harbinger series isn’t quite there. It still does a great job of meshing the recent Harbinger storyline with this one, but its agenda is to be a part of the Armor Hunters event, which is okay.

The dialogue is good. It’s nothing to write home about, but Joshua Dysart clearly has a handle on these characters, now we just need to see where the story is going from here.

The art continues to be very strong. Robert Gill has left a wonderful impression on the Harbinger slice of the Valiant Universe. Gill is a solid addition to the Harbinger and Valiant team. Colorist Romulo Fajardo also plays a significant role in the art. In particular I like how Fajardo colors the nose and ears a different color on the characters as it adds realism to the characters.

For a tie-in series it’s pretty good. I don’t think it holds a torch to the regular Harbinger series, but Dysart manages to tie this story in the plot threads that he already had going and that’s very cool as a read to see. When it comes down to it this issue is for Harbinger fans or fans of Armor Hunters. Either way you’re in for an entertaining read.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Joshua Dysart Artist: Robert Gill Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Publisher: Valiant Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 8/20/14