Comic Bastards

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Review: Borderlands #5

I was super excited to review Borderlands as I really enjoyed the first game, it was like playing a living comic book. Extra gory, great humor, brilliant visuals. More stories in this universe couldn't be bad thing, could it? Unfortunately my excitement dwindled very quickly when I realized I'd already played this exact story. The comic should come with the label 'novelization of the game', as I'm sure I’m not the only one who opened the pages expecting to see something new. The art style is okay, but considering the game looks like a comic book i expected a very similar (if not the same) look.

BorderlandsTV05-coverSo onto the actual story. If you played the game this issue tackles the battle with Sledge, or at least the lead-up to it. The first four pages involve the recurring theme of this issue, sandwiches. Which seems like a lot of lead-up for a small corner panel that uses a dropped sandwich to allude to a squished skull. Show me the gore damn it, this is borderlands isn't it?

Then the team get thrust a map and told to go find sledge and kill him. They board the bus and track him down. Then we get to see the demise of two adventurers which ends in 'sandwich drop'. Then our team arrives and the issue finishes with a head-to-head between sledge and Brick (the Berserker who loves punching things).

That's pretty much all that happens. Some of the notes on signs are humorous but not laugh out loud funny.

Read it if you want to have the novelization of the game, otherwise avoid it and just play the game!

Score: 1/5

Writer: Mikey Neumann Artist: Agustin Padila Colorist: Esther Sanz Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 12/17/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital