Review: Eye of Newt #3

To think I nearly didn’t pick up Eye of Newt in the beginning. I tell ya, I’m glad that I did. This series has been very entertaining and one of the first stories in a while that’s left me with a real sense of danger. I’m fearful for Newt every issue. I don’t really trust any of his companions, least of all Morgan. This issue picks up with the caravan of people trying to capture and kill a dark unicorn so that Morgan can have a powerful wand. Their newest group member the Einholst tells her that she must offer herself up like a virgin sacrifice and that will bring the dark unicorn. Sure enough it does and the rest of the group helps put the dark unicorn down… but can it all really be that easy?

After this segment of the story is over they move on to find something powerful for Arthur. The Einholst suggestions something nearby, but Newt remembers that his master said to find the most powerful element for his staff as possible or not to come back. The Einholst awkwardly suggestions that Arthur is referring to the Dragon’s Eye which sets them off towards its location.

24042There is no way of guessing how this story will end and that’s a satisfying read. Sometimes the third issue of a four issue mini-series can reveal too much and so the fourth issue is transparent and offers little to the story other than the obligatory closing. With Eye of Newt there is plenty of mystery left and as I said the danger is present. Half of Arthur’s group is untrustworthy and Michael Hague leaves the reader wondering when the other shoe will drop.

The art continues to be wonderful for the series. There’s a lot more characters and creatures illustrated this issue. It’s as if Hague is elevating the illustrations with each issue which is impressive considering how each panel already looks like pieces of fine art.

There’s a good handful of mini-series being published right now, but not many are as entertaining, well-plotted or just plain interesting as Eye of Newt. If you love fantasy adventures and amazing artwork then this series is worth catching up on.

Score: 4/5

Writer/Artist/Creator: Michael Hague Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 8/20/14 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital