Comic Bastards

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Review: Garfield: Vacation Time Blues #1

By Hunter T. Patrick

Let’s start this review with the conclusion. Do not buy this comic. Price should not be a factor in most reviews, but if you are reading this and wondering, it is not worth the 7.99 price point. For the length it is (double sized comic) it should be 5.99 max, yet it is not. It contains two stories, the first average, the second poor. Garfield is a character who typically works best in small doses and one-liner (comic strips), not a comic of this size. They can only do the same jokes so many times. There are some good jokes in there, but those are few in between.

The first story is by far the better of the two included. The artwork looks better, the story is stronger, and the jokes are funnier. Both stories take place solely on the beach (why the cover is everyone camping I do not know). The first story is fun and has a simple plot that highlights how Jon is such a great guy. It was delightful and fun with the art matching the story. The art of the second story looks odd after the first story as it looks like it is supposed to be very similar, if not identical, but it is poorer. The story is more fantastical in nature with a giant lasagna monster and a robot in there as well. Garfield can be fun when the fantasy is imaginary; this one does not have that pleasure. 

Let’s say you hate Mondays and love lasagna, and let’s say you are a cat person and love the beach. So far this story sounds perfect for you, but you also need to be someone who wants to waste time or money on something. If you do not want to waste your time with this, or worse, waste your money, then do not worry, Garfield is on your Newspaper. You could also look online at every Garfield strip ever published. Go there. Garfield has done some unique things in comic strips, but sadly for comic books, this is not unique. The art looks somewhat like those strips, and yet it is not. Even if you are a die-hard Garfield fan and need this for your collection then do not worry, you do not. This is meant to be a fun comic, and the first one is, but the fun does not always cut it. Some people like to watch certain movies, not for the comedy, but for the fun. This is one of those. The dialogue fits the characters, as does the story, but it is not the strongest of either. People do not always read Garfield for quality but as an escape. If you are trying to escape your Mondays, then I have the sad news to tell you this is the Monday of Garfield comics. Go buy and enjoy some lasagna instead. That’s what Garfield would do so you know that is the right thing to do on that Monday. 

Score: 2/5

Garfield: Vacation Time Blues #1
Boom! Studios